Teaching & Learning
Burbank School District 111 provides a variety of special programs and services to meet the needs of all learners. The Teaching & Learning Department is the main contact for the following areas:
- English Learner / Multilingual Education Department
- Early Childhood
- Instructional Coaching Department
- Learning Interventionists

Kristin Welsh
Director of Teaching & Learning
708.496.0500 ext. 10364
Administrative Assistant
Urszula Mszal
708.496.0500 x 10363
Instructional Coaches
All Coaches - [email protected]
- Michelle Sevedge - [email protected]
- Ela Mulica - [email protected]
- Diana Byrd - [email protected]
- Michaela Faust - [email protected]
- Teri Zaker - [email protected]
- Jen Weigus [email protected]
- Stephanie Schmitz [email protected]
Early Childhood & At-Risk Preschool Program
Early Childhood & At-Risk Preschool Program

Why Early Childhood?
The Benefits of Early Childhood Education
Throughout the early years of life, children go through vital stages of development. Throughout these stages, consistent, high-quality early childhood education can have long-lasting, beneficial effects. Choosing a preschool that is best for your child is an important decision. It is vital to not only choose a preschool that will love and care for your child, but one that will work collaboratively with your family.
Cognitive Development
Attending a preschool program significantly helps to develop a child’s cognitive ability. Attending a high-quality program provides a developmentally appropriate curriculum; allowing our students to develop imperative age-appropriate skills. In being exposed to a developmentally appropriate curriculum, children will build their existing skills and knowledge while having the opportunity to acquire new information, ensuring that children are reaching age-appropriate developmental milestones throughout their time in the program.
Language Development
Between the ages of one and five, a child’s language development occurs rapidly. Within a high-quality preschool program, children are exposed to language activities such as daily group discussions, songs, read-alouds, and play-based conversations with students and staff, these allowing children to develop the fundamental language skills they will need in order to continue building throughout their lifetimes. Daily language interactions will lead to advanced language skills by promoting vocabulary development and conversational skills.
Social and Emotional Development
Attending the same high-quality preschool program, throughout the early years of education allows your child to develop relationships with adults and children outside of your home, providing a sense of security. Developing relationships builds a level of comfortability allowing students to more readily participate in learning opportunities, advancing their education through cooperative play. Children who regularly attend an early childhood program show a decrease in behaviors as they gain the ability to interact with others. Early childhood programs provide young children, the knowledge that teachers, other children, and daily routines provide, this fostering the confidence and understanding in social settings
Why Early Childhood Education?
Research shows that 85% of brain development occurs by age 5, and that high-quality early childhood care and education leads to:
- A higher rates of high school graduation and overall success in school
- Higher levels of employment and income as adults
- Lower school dropout rates
- Lower rates of violent crime
A Return on Investment
Nobel Laureate and University of Chicago Economist James Heckman completed groundbreaking work in the economics of human development, they state that for every $1 invested in early childhood education, it has been estimated that $7 to $10 is saved on remedial education, health, and criminal justice expenditures. The report goes on to state that investing in early childhood development will produce great returns to individuals and society in better education, health, economic and social outcomes – not only saving taxpayers money but increasing economic productivity.
English Learner / Multilingual Education Department
Early Childhood and At-risk Preschool Programs - For more information visit the following page: