Student Services » Procedural Safeguards/PUNS

Procedural Safeguards/PUNS

Notice of Procedural Safeguard for Parents/Guardians of Students with Disabilities:
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) has implemented procedural safeguards to protect the rights of parents/guardians of students with disabilities. These safeguards ensure that parents are actively involved in the decision-making process and that their child's educational needs are met appropriately. The safeguards encompass various key elements, such as the right to receive written notice before any changes to their child's educational placement or services, the right to participate in meetings related to their child's Individualized Education Program (IEP), the right to access their child's records, and the right to request an impartial due process hearing if disagreements arise. These measures aim to empower parents and provide a fair and transparent framework for addressing concerns and ensuring the best possible educational outcomes for students with disabilities in Illinois.
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